Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day... What is it and what has it become?

Today, we are supposed to celebrate Memorial Day. What does this mean? It means that we should take some time out to acknowledge the fallen soldiers past and present. The only thing is… we don’t. We have turned this national holiday into another beer fest and an excuse to drink and go down the shore. I must admit that I have fallen victim to this commercialized holiday. I didn’t go to the shore, but I did end up at some pubs for a drink or two.
I have to be honest. I didn’t really take time out to think about the fallen soldiers until now. Writing this blog is making me think about what Memorial Day is and should be. I do feel bad for all the soldiers, but at the same time I question why do we have to go to war in the first place. I just think it’s weird that we must go to war in order for peace to happen. Still, I strongly feel that we should think about the soldiers past and present and really question why they died. These questions should also be a part of a class discussion because I feel that students as well as many Americans forgot what this holiday was all about. We need to revive, rethink, and discuss this commercialized holiday along with many of the other holidays throughout the year.


Christine said...

What a typical thought of Memorial Day! SO TRUE! It has become very comercialized. I too engaged in a drink or two or three! Having had family in several wars, I was able to think about what this holiday meant due to this project. Sometimes it's nice to be brought back to reality a time or two.

Frank said...

I definitely hear what you guys are saying. I would like to know how the military celebrates this holiday. I bet they don't go down to the shore and get wasted. It is in some sense disrespectful how Americans take holidays such as this for granted.